Youth Ministry
We youth of the church believe that God uses not only older people but people who are young as well, in fact many great people in the bible were hand-picked by God when they were young. People such as Samuel, a prophet of prophets, King David, a man after God’s heart and others started serving the Lord in their youth and reaped bountifully and so God can do the same for us.
We usually meet every Sunday to discuss biblical issues and matters in society that currently affect our lives. We find that many current day dilemmas and problems can be related back to the bible and the answers to future problems have been written since 2000 years ago.
Every year, the youth hold a special programme on the last weekend of August, which consists of ministrations and other activities whereby we try to invite as many people from outside our community to come and enjoy the goodness of God, where we have performances, activities, socialising and food all for free. We also take this opportunity to reach out to those who know of God but don’t have a personal relationship with him.
God bless.
The youth of Dayspring Tabernacle