About Us
Welcome to our wonderful family where you will discover that our goal and passion is to provide a place where people like you can have a life-changing experience with God and experience a wonderful and intimate relationship with Him through of act of worship while fellowshipping with His loved ones.
Whether you are seeking to know Him for the first time, want to know Him more and strengthen your relationship with Him, no doubt you have come to the right place. God has placed within our hearts a vision for a place of worship where people can come together to learn more about our heavenly Father and how to apply God’s Word for victorious Christian living.
We seek to provide regular teaching and preaching of the Bible, meaningful times of worship, opportunities for fellowship, prayer, outreach, and numerous other ministries for people of all ages. We will privileged to have you as our guest and are grateful for visiting our website.
We believe our Church is the kind of church you would enjoy. If you don’t have a regular church or you choose to fellowship with us on a regular basis I would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend our wonderful services I can guarantee, you will not regret it.